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Step Inside an Oceanfront Paradise on Cape Cod

Luxury Oceanfront Homes in New England

Belle of the Beach: 一个海滨天堂被重新想象为代际使用
如《彩票365官方网站2017》20周年纪念版所示. - View the Digital Edition here

多年来,一群关系密切的家人和朋友一直聚集在Buzzards湾这个明信片般完美的半岛上, returning to the summer playground for lazy, memory-filled days, where time, for a few blissful months, unfolds at a gentler pace. This exposed enclave, 由著名景观设计师弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德在一个面向正西的海角上雕刻而成, has to be among the most spectacular on Cape Cod. 它拥有波光粼粼的海水和戏剧性的自然背景, fiery sunsets and now, courtesy of Hutker Architects, an extroadinary, 大胆实现瓦式的家,在其中享受它.

High-End Beach Homes in New England

Mark Hutker是Hutker建筑事务所的负责人,他的目标是发展建筑艺术 residential architecture even as it looks back. “To understand it. To learn from it, 然后把它向前移动,以适应我们的新生活方式, technologies and our new ways of life.“这正是他为一座100多年历史的房屋进行重大翻新时所做的, carriage house addition, pool house and boathouse. 一个集发明与美丽于一身的海滨圣地, 并刻上了对传统和现代功能的尊重.

Gorgeous Waterfront Home Living

在奥姆斯特德的地形上重建一个“重视其建筑遗产”的社区是一种责任. But Hutker Architects found in C.H. Newton Builders, Inc. 工匠们有着“丰富的世代建构历史”和对艺术的深刻理解 construction details specific to the coastal locale.

Custom Outdoor Beach Home Patio Entertainment

建筑方案尽可能多地保留了现有结构, including its historic core, 但是需要一个新的底层,一个开放的平面,用于当代生活和娱乐. To achieve this, C.H. 牛顿建筑公司将现有住宅的顶部两层楼梯抬了起来,并把它们推到一边, 他们浇筑了新的地基,建造了一楼的甲板. 然后用起重机把最上面的部分放回原位,使它们完美地贴合在一起. Fortunately, says Chairman and CEO David Newton, “After being in the business for 32 years, I love a good challenge.”

As C.H. Newton crafts everything from 历史保护到超现代的高端住宅, his firm’s versatility came shining through. “When Hutker and his team designed the house, he saved so much from the original,” he explains, 称赞哈克巧妙地将新旧结合在一起.

Cape and Islands Coastal Custom homes

The concept developed organically. Says Hutker, “The upper two floors had great character, featured by a gable roof, 独特的chevv形天窗和美丽的瓦片细节是当地建筑商独特的工艺.他的语气透露出,保护这些细节并将它们编织在引人入胜的新结构中是一种荣幸.

Cape Cod New England Luxury Homes

Cape Cod New England Luxury Home Design

全景的水与它的船只稳定游行, 海滩和那些耸人听闻的日落被捕捉在室内的生活空间. 每一层都有门廊环绕着房子的周边,升降门“敞开”, 几乎全部在房子的北面和西面,” says Newton, extending the magnificent terrain.

Exquisite Beach Home Dining Interior Design

Richard Hallberg室内设计事务所的Richard Hallberg在住宅的豪华空间中延续了室内外的联系, livable setting. He fills the tranquil, 用天然纤维和纹理抛光的空间,效果就像完美的海滩日-阳光明媚,清爽和恢复.


最先进的设计和设施遍布周围环境. The owners chose the "most 当今电器的当前和现代功能和设计起重机设备服务经理肯·克兰说. Creative Systems配置“坚如磐石,易于使用” 音频和视频,照明和气候控制,以及电动遮阳板 for all three buildings, 系统开发总监Ronnie Zielinski说, wrapping audio throughout the exposed deck, 在石头泳池地板上安装定制扬声器,并在厨房的旋转装置上安装电视电梯,可以从任何角度观看.

New England Beach Home Kitchen Design

即使是由里德·希尔德布兰德(Reed Hilderbrand)构思、R.P. Marzilli & Company, has a sleek aesthetic. 校长Bob Marzilli说:“这比奥姆斯特德的设计更现代。 linear, contemporary style. 虽然很漂亮,但裸露的地面来之不易. R.P. Marzilli不得不在海岸线上种植植物并播种,而不是在广阔的草地上除草——所有这些都是在持续的风下进行的.

Ocean view homes and Landscape in Cape Cod

然而,最终的结果是,一个美丽的,郁郁葱葱的草坪延伸到大海. 这片土地配得上一处非凡的财产,它将召唤当代人和未来的几代人, 让他们在夏天体验科德角,就像他们的前辈一样.

Custom Cape Cod Coastal Beach Homes

Architect: Hutker Architects
Builder: C.H. Newton Builders, Inc.
Millwork/Casework: Beacon Millwork
Landscape Contractor: R.P. Marzilli & Co.
Home Automation: Creative Systems
Appliance: Crane Appliance
Photography: Brian Vanden Brink


View the 2017 Digital Edition


Beautiful Cape Cod Ocean Views

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